

This is my meditation

These are the interviews from people who have been cultivating BODY & MIND by finding their own way of meditation. How do they manage to keep their motivation high? How are they in flow state? When was the turning point? How do they master time management? 

This interviews are for the people who thinks "I have a dream but I don't know how to make it come true or move forward"

We hope you will feel encouraged and become positive to pursue your dream.


We featured stong and young people who found its own meditation

It is often difficult to find a job that you really feel passionate about. Most of us have a work that is away from what we really like. On the other hand, there are people who create time to do something they feel a meaning of purpose and follow their dreams. We featured people are following their Ikigai. They are just like us, having a 9-5 work, family to take care of . The things you need the most now might not be money, talent or luck but it might be a little bit of inspiration and encouragement from the people who are already following their dreams. After listening to the podcast, you will feel inspired and encouraged perhaps feel like stepping forward.

Feature 1: Nami Kinoshita (TBA)

Elissa Blanes

Elissa Blanes

[TBA] The following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. In sit amet felis malesuada, feugiat purus eget, varius mi. Aenean eu justo sed elit dignissim aliquam.


Feature 3: Thomas Jones

Thomas Jones

Thomas Jones

tka_tk a_k_; k;okt_s; k;otakdh

adkfg;af_g;ake;fgk_a;kgr;oakegrlfkga;_lkf;lk;akdf;gk ka_tk ;k ;rke; ker; kk kmraek ar_;_k a_;dkg ja_;krj k klarlkg a_lkm krkgl dikrgj uhdfg;kaj 

Feature 2: Nathalie Agnes

Nathalie Agnes

Nathalie Agnes

[TBA] The following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. In sit amet felis malesuada, feugiat purus eget, varius mi. Aenean eu justo sed elit dignissim aliquam.


feature 4: Peter Adams

Peter Adams

Peter Adams

[TBA] itejgs:pirdjb:isjokv]oekropvkaeoprg:apoeh ikj :ij ij:irejij areyg yy hyrg alra k;ltalrlaj ljksrjdlgajlrkjglak jlkjklrgkj  

akrjlgarjglae lkjtja o i;otsijijlreuuaha oapjngbj n aurhk jsrnkj ejrkej.


feature 5: Amy List

Amy List

Amy List

[TBA] oktw:kro ok]okgsko kao;kd;aslkf s;lkgfaj:ldfjgkaljfdklgj kjkljglkjsadlkfgjlkearlgkjalkfjglakjfd_lkjad




you know someone who is truly inspiring you?

Let us know!

We cannot guarantee but there might be a chance we can interview the person!