29/08/2018 A Little Inspiration

I always find some excuses to stop my daily habits when I am on a trip. 

I was in San Francisco for work and due to the time difference I postponed to share my thoughts here. However I had a couple of insightful time with my friends. 


I reunited with a friend of mine who was a member of the very first retreat I organized in Ireland. When you start exploring the globe, it gets smaller and smaller. I also bumped into a few people at the huge Mountain View Campus and it is so funny and heart warming to see some familiar faces. 

Going back to the story of a reunion, she told me a lot about her experiences in SF, both good and bad that she never knew until she moved there. The politics, the medical situation, women's right, poverty etc. All sounds really fascinate me and I also feel that my life in Tokyo is quite safe in that sense. SF is particularly unique that you see lots of wealthy people and poor people live in the same area and you actually get a chance to do volunteering activities right next to your house. I witnessed some sad situation in the town and I ashamed my ignorance. 

It also makes me think how I can maintain the strong motivation to support people. Particularly for the people who had tragic events tend to have the strong faith and will to act on the issues. I couldn't answer to the question but getting involved the talks and activities, events to educate myself will help me understand the situation better.  

At least question to myself ;

What did I do to help others today? What did other do to help me? What did I learn today?

Loving kindness, Appreciation, Intention for growth.

Thank you for spending your time to read this.

Tomoko Yokota