11/07/2018 The Time You Have

The 80/20 rule (also known as The Pareto principle,  the law of the vital few, or the principle of factor sparsity) states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.  

Recently, a friend of mine told me that we tend to spend most of the quality time with our parents by our early 20s (I understand it means most of the time we spend with our parents until we graduated from high school or university). It is not exactly the 80/20 rule but I am now spending the rest of the 20% time with them. If we think about it, every time we spend time with them is so precious and never comes back again.

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It makes me really think how to use my time for them. It's not just about how many hours we spend time together, rather how much quality time we can create together. Sometimes just being with them and talking about random things for one hour is so meaningful than playing with a mobile and no conversation over lunch.

Alan Wallace was quoting this word and it still sticks in my head.

The greatest gift you can ever give is to someone is your attention.

There is a really good Youtube video called The Time You Have, you might want to watch.

Thank you for spending your time to read this.

Tomoko Yokota